Will dual degree system benefit students?

Will dual degree system benefit students?

In the spirit of New Education Policy-2020 which calls for multidisciplinary and flexible mode of education for all, UGC announced a dual degree programme for both UG and PG levels on April 12.

The lacuna needs to be plugged

Finally, our government started focusing on filling the gaps in the education system. All these decades we have ignored skill-based education. Even though India produces a record number of grads every year, better part of them are ending jobless or confined to petty jobs due to lack of skill in their stream of academics. Unfortunately, a majority of students focus on attaining degrees rather than skill associated with their study. A great career and advancement in career require dedication, perseverance and hard work which are the missing link in today's generation. This lacunae needs to be plugged.

- T Seshu, Lecturer in Economics, Warangal

It will ensure productive professionals

A person with a skill set has better understanding , logical thinking and fast learning. Skills based education will definitely ensure better and productive human resources. A skilled diploma holder/ graduate has a bright future in his career and is expected to reach pinnacle in his chosen field. A faculty should be well-versed with presentation skills to make students worthy and productive.

- Narender Babu, principal,

Gouthami Junior College, Nalgonda

Time to make education system more practical and result-oriented

Education should provide knowledge and skill set to students to make them a perfect to suit the demands of industry and to grab the opportunities globally. Unfortunately, the rulers simply followed the British slavery education system made educational institutes as factories producing just graduates of basic knowledge only. This is the right time to change existing education system to more practical and result oriented to shift the country from developing countries list to developed countries list in next 10 years.

- Nivas, Artist, Nalgonda

Need to establish skill centers in every constituency

As breath is important to life, also skill is important to students to prove their mettle and to achieve their goals. Countries with people of skill set are ahead than rest of the countries. Industries are in dire need of skilled persons, in view of this, establishing skill centers in every constituency point will help the semi-skilled and unskilled persons, whereas, establishing skill centers in colleges and universities will pave a bright future for the students.

- Namireddy Srinivas Reddy,

Advocate, Nalgonda

Industries search for youth with skills

Today's global requirement for employability has transformed drastically. Degrees are no longer important. Employers these days are not looking at high qualifications or multiple degrees for hiring people. They are seeking youngsters with employability skills such as communication skills, entrepreneurial skills, ICT skills, etc. Most highly qualified people fail in the initial round of interviews itself! Those who head organisations have realised that a degree doesn't equip people with the required skill set to work within the system and hence they are willing to invest in hiring undergraduates and training them suitably to suit their requirement. Employment trends have changed in the 21st century. It is now skill first and degree next.

- B Shafiullah, IFS, secretary, TMREIS, Hyderabad

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