AP JAC, Amaravati calls off Agitation
AP JAC chairman Bopparaju Venkateswarlu
VIJAYAWADA: Following the assurances given by the State government to resolve the pending problems of the state government employees, the AP JAC, Amaravati on Thursday announced to call off the agitation. The JAC began the agitation on March 9, 2023 asking the Government to concede to the long pending demands of the employees. After 92 days of agitation, the JAC leaders on Thursday announced to call off the stir. The AP JAC chairman Bopparaju Venkateswarlu and the general secretary P Damodara Rao in a press release on Thursday stated that the State government has agreed to concede to their 37 demands and 11 demands are yet to be solved.
The two leaders said they will try to resolve the problems also by taking to the notice of the Government. The AP JAC leaders organized a victory meeting at Revenue hall in Guntur on Thursday. The JAC leaders took out a rally in Guntur and celebrated the victory by greeting one another. The JAC leaders said the employees got many achievements due to 92 days prolong agitation in three phases. The JAC leaders thanked the government for conceding to their demands and giving assurance to resolve the pending problems.
The JAC leaders said the Government has credited Rs.3600 crore related to the GPF/APGLI/ Retirement benefits of the employees and the TA Bills of the Andhra Pradesh police. Releasing of DA related to 1/2022 and regularization of contract employees and implementation of 16 percent HRA to the employees working in the newly formed district headquarters, extension of medical reimbursement charges and depositing of Rs.520 crore into the bank accounts of the police department staff and many others.