The party begins…

Update: 2019-07-21 00:54 IST

Bestselling author of books like 'I Too Had a Love Story', 'Can Love Happen Twice?', 'Like It Happened Yesterday' and 'Your Dreams are Mine Now', was in Hyderabad to launch his new book. He was at the Landmark store to launch his book, 'The Belated Bachelor Party', and interact with his fans and avid readers. He promises that the book is a heartwarming tale of friendship, a rib-tickling rollercoaster ride filled with adrenaline pumping adventure.

The story is about a bunch of 4 friends (now married), who realize that none of them have had a bachelor party. Happy, MP, Raamji and Ravin end up planning a `bachelor party`, a trip to Europe. That ends up being the best decision of their life. A trip of a lifetime is also fraught with experiences of being strip searched by the border police, without valid visas but banned party drugs and a rifle cartridge. The wacky tale of reunion has all the makings of a bestseller. And, Ravinder Singh, who also started a publishing venture called Black Ink to publish debut author is already enjoying the taste of yet another success. 


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