Consuming Proteins in Excess

Update: 2022-03-20 04:21 IST
Consuming Proteins in Excess
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Do you remember a time when you ate too much protein? It could be in the form of meat, or chicken, eggs, or even paneer or cheese. How did you feel after that? Did you feel energized? Probably not, as these are hard to digest.

On the other hand, eating plant-based proteins – chickpeas, beans, lentils and dals doesn't leave you feeling that way; does it? That's partly because they are full of fiber so you cannot overeat them, and they are low in fat. Nature protects us when we eat foods suitable to our species.

Did you know that excess proteins cause more problems in other ways too? Excess proteins can be the cause of the following diseases.


Protein is the food for growth and cancer is a growth. Animal proteins can fuel cancers. Casein, the protein found in dairy is a known carcinogen. Cooking meats causes heterocyclic amines to be formed which are also carcinogens. The lack of fiber in meat can cause colon cancers and hormones in meat and dairy can provoke hormone dependent cancers like breast, ovarian and prostate cancers.

Kidney Disease

It's well known that animal proteins are toxic to the kidneys. Chronic kidney disease has become very common and can be largely avoided by having a high fiber plant-based diet.

Auto -immune Diseases

Animal proteins can provoke the production of antibodies that can destroy our own body cells leading to auto immune diseases.


Excess protein is acid forming, forcing our bones to release calcium to neutralize the acid. This can lead to osteoporosis.


Proteins are digested in the stomach with the help of hydrochloric acid. Eating a protein rich diet forces the stomach to produce more acid thereby leading to acidity or heartburn.


It's well known that a high protein diet can result in gout in those who are predisposed to this painful disease.


One of the best ways to minimize allergies is to go completely plant-based and avoid the offending allergen to the extent possible. With this regimen most allergies disappear in a period of a year or two.


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