Proteins for weight loss

Update: 2018-09-23 05:30 IST
Proteins for weight loss
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Eating a diet that includes plenty of lean protein provides several benefits when you're trying to lose weight.

  • Protein helps you to feel full

Including protein in your meals and snackscan help you to feel full and satisfied after you're done eating. This feeling of fullness may help you to eat less throughout the day.

  • Protein builds muscle

Protein helps you build and maintain muscle mass. A strong body not only performs better throughout daily activities, but the muscles that shape an attractive figure also burn more calories than fat, even at rest.

  • Eating protein may improve your diet

 When you plan a meal around a lean source of protein, you have less space on your plate for foods that aren't healthy. And learning to eat different types of protein may improve your diet as well. If you eat tuna, for example, you not only benefit from the protein in the fish but you also benefit from the healthy fat it provides.

  • Eating protein burns more calories

You burn a few extra calories when you eat protein because your body has to work harder to chew and digest the food. Scientists call this the thermic effect of food. Keep in mind, however, that the number of extra calories is small so you shouldn't create an entire weight loss programme.


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