Things you should know before you head to Australia for studies

Update: 2019-06-19 21:50 IST

Hyderabad: Telugus top in the number of Indian students going to Australia for higher studies. As more and more students travel abroad for studies, there is more need to teach them to adjust to a cross-culture so that they don't get cultural shock and settle comfortably.

Be the Roman, when you are in Rome, goes the saying. You need to be an Aussie when you are in Australia. According to the city based, India's one of the top , Global Tree, nearly 12-15000 Telugu students are going each year to Australia alone. This is something a new trend emerged in the recent past.

In a case which happened very recently in Melbourne in Australia, a girl from Hyderabad went to Melbourne to pursue her MS in Engineering. Though she belonged to a wealthy family in the past, things have gone wrong, and the family was going through financial crisis. With great difficulty, the family managed to send their daughter to help her realise her dream of studying in Australia. One day she was traveling in a local train. The train was empty. She was busy with her mobile. And unmindfully she kept her feet on the opposite side seats which was empty. That was noticed by a ticket collector and fined her 400 Australian Dollars.

Therefore it is very important that be it students or employees who travel abroad on work or for studies need to learn their culture, practices, laws and adhere to them strictly.

We asked representatives of twenty Australian Universities - what are the Dos and Don'ts for international students visiting Australia?

Srikar Alapati, Managing Director of Global Tree

'You must know that Australia is a big country. India is about two times smaller than Australia. Australia is approximately 7,741,220 sq km, while India is approximately 3,287,263 sq km. In population, India is much more than Australia one needs to fix this in mind.

Aussies prefer to use first names, even at the initial meeting, so greeting them by the first name is not considered rude or improper. "Mate" is a common way of casually addressing friends, male or female (Hey mate, what are your plans?)

If you are friendly with Aussies, you may get few invitations to an Aussie home for a party or BBQ in Australia. It is always advisable to be on time. Sometimes you have to carry your alcoholic beverages, and beef too informs a family who spent two decades in Australia and who lives now in India. Always check with your host if they would like you to bring something along with you to the party.

Whenever you want to meet, somebody takes an appointment and stick to the same. Business dress is considered conservative in Australia. A dark coloured traditional business suit is deemed to be fine for men and smart dress or business suit for the women, she adds.

Smitha Shankar of Global Tree, Manager Non-USA

'One needs to understand the Australian road rules. They are very strict. Drunken driving is a big crime . Students need to focus on studies rather than part time jobs etc. Then otherwise studies become secondary and earning becomes a primary interest.'

D Rakesh, who is pursuing MS in Aviation

'Thank you' and 'Sorry' are essential in your everyday vocabulary to show courtesy to others. Right of way. Either driving or walking, give way to others. Work within the regulated number of hours as per your visa entitlements. Exceeding may attract deportation.

Carry your local Indian driving license; you don't necessarily need an international license. Carrying a travel card is recommended. Also a bank account can be opened from India which will be a lot useful. This enables you to transfer money overseas even before you arrive here. Your passport is the most essential proof of identity until you secure any social identity proofs.

Don't bother carrying too many Indian groceries. There are plenty of well-established Indian convenience stores here. Ensure that your mobile, electricity, gas and other payments are made on time. This helps you have a good credit score which is beneficial in the future.

No copy pasting. Australian universities like many other international universities have strict rules pertaining to plagiarism. Don't be lured by peers or any other educational consultancies suggesting you shift your admission to a lower grade university for monetary savings. This will affect your quality of education, he says.

Kalyan Mohan from Tasmania University

'Australia is expensive. You need to plan your finances accordingly. It will have many attractions. You shouldn't lose your focus. Some Indian students go crazy after cars. They buy cars, expensive ones, without their parents' knowledge. One needs to be careful about it'.

Treasa of South Cross University

'Do cook at home. Eating out every day is a definite shortcut to obesity. So cooking is the cheapest and healthiest way of living abroad'.

Shares an Indian, who wants to be anonymous and who now lives in Australia and who was victim of loneliness: 'One thing you will experience in Australia is loneliness. Don't fall prey to homesickness. Nobody will have time for others there. You need to make good friends with whom you can spend some quality time, talk to them. Get connected to Indian communities there. Do network. The more contacts you have, the more likely you are to find a good job faster'.

Lisa from a leading Australian varsity

'You need to know a little bit of Australian etiquette and culture. A handshake and a smile will go a long way. Hi, Hello, G'Day (good day) is an excellent way to greet people in Australia'

Raghu, a city-based dining etiquette expert

'As far as dining etiquette is concerned fork in the left hand and knife in the right side is excellent and works well. That is how food is eaten there. Follow the rule. It is advisable to use a fork, spoon to eat food, unless you are forced to eat food by hand. Elbows off the table and hands above the table is a good table etiquette not only practiced in Australia but everywhere'. The climate in Australia is different from India. You need to know about it well and take care accordingly, added another representative. 


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