MyVoice: Views of our readers 18th March 2021

Update: 2021-03-18 00:00 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 18th March 2021

Restore garbage bins in city

The removal of bins from all places in the city by GHMC without prior notice or other arrangements is uncalled for. Public continued to dump waste at the same place, where bin existed. This has piled up without removal. Just to get ranking in Swachh Sarvekshan 21, removal of bins may be good idea provided other arrangements to collect garbage should have been in place.


P R Vittal Rao, Hyderabad

Inconsistent US approach

US President Joe Biden seems to have forgotten what has said during his presidential campaign that he would make Saudi Arabia 'a global pariah' - his bravado laced with tall talk to show Saudi Arabia its place, in the aftermath of the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, at the time of his feverish campaign to be elected as president of America.

All that seemed to be a thing of the past for Joy Biden in terms of Khashoggi death, a Washington Post columnist, who was killed in cold blood at the behest of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, when Khashoggi had visited the Turkish Embassy – not to be seen any more. The US even came out with the theory of how Khashoggi had been at the hands of the executioners from Saudi Arabia – in which Khashoggi was strangled and killed to be dismembered and made mincemeat of him and flushed down the drain.

Similar is the mentality of the US administration in dealing with the situation in Afghanistan too. The US knows well that Pakistan is the main villain in creating havoc in Afghanistan, by encouraging car bombings and suicide attacks against government establishments, with the help of jihadi Islamist groups under its control.

The US is preparing to leave Afghanistan, at a time when the country is not ready to protect itself. With such a fluid situation prevailing in that country, it will only help Pakistan and the Taliban to gain more control in the region. The Americans have nothing to lose in doing so. But, this will undoubtedly put enormous burden, and pose a perennial headache to India as Afghanistan is not yet ready to take control of itself, in its internal and external security requirements from the onslaught of Pakistan and its proxies.

The Quad group of countries to checkmate the sabre rattling of China in the South China, is a wise and timely move in which India too is a member; this gives recognition to India's growing clout militarily for the past few years as the country is becoming self-sufficient in defence production. The noble intentions of the Quad to become a global supplier of Covid vaccine by producing a billion does of the vaccine to be available to all speaks of India's initiative to end the monopoly by few countries – including China in the vaccine production.

K V Raghuram, Wayanad

Revamp global laws, bring back offenders

It is easy to blame others without knowing the facts and figures by the public as well as political leaders. The international laws are such that it is unfortunate that we have to explain in detail to the foreign courts what offences he committed in the country where the involvement of foreign court is purely un-necessary.

When one country says that the accused is involved in committing a financial fraud which has an effect on the country's exchequer the other country should immediately believe it. As the country where the accused defrauded a financial institution or bank it should be understood that after thorough investigation only the country has arrived at the decision. What is the necessity of a court in foreign country to protect a citizen of other country? First of all the persons who helped the fraudsters to leave the country must be prosecuted as they have committed a big fraud by allowing persons like Ottavio Quattrochi,Vijaya Mallya,Nirav Modi which resulted the investigating agencies to struggle hard in extraditing them to India.

This has spread a wrong message to public that it is the fault of CBI and others. It is to be understood that what hard work the CBI has to undertake to get relevant documents from the authorities wherein they have to face threats from political leaders and other influential persons which drags the finalisation of the case.

Though it is a mistake of a bank employee and its authorities in not controlling him the general banking sector has to face the comments of the public as if all banks are fraudulent. The Letter Rogatory system is another obstacle in speeding the case. Hence the government must initiate to change the international laws in such cases and see that the criminal has to be sent back immediately to the country without saying anything.

TSN Rao, Bhimavaram

Safety precautions must

As the Prime Minister has rightly said the country must lose no time to arrest the emerging peak of Corona second wave. That 70 districts registering 150 per cent rise in case numbers is alarming. The trend can only be curtailed with team effort of all states. The laxity in one place can prove to be detrimental for all. The main reason for worrying is the complacency among people to follow Covid appropriate behaviour. The mask wearing is conspicuous by its absence in many places of gathering. The State governments and local administrations should enforce the preventive measures by hook or by crook apart from ramping up of testing, tracking and treating. The Centre should be generous in providing funds and logistics to the states in order to fight the war against pandemic effectively.

Dr D V G Sankararao, Nellimarla



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