Why is Centre bent on dividing and ruling us?
Why is Centre bent on dividing and ruling us?
The incident of gun shots fired at the convoy of Owaisi in U.P seems to be an outcome of pernicious campaign laced with venom of hate against Muslims often unleashed by zealots masquerading as protectors of Hinduism which is deliberately not being condemned by the political leadership to reap electoral dividends and which is dangerously leading to radicalisation and indoctrination of younger minds. (Owaisi says no to Z Category Security - THI, 5 February).
The overdose of communal and casteist rhetoric in electioneering for the ensuing Assembly Elections in U.P and 4 other states is highly disturbing which is casting a shadow on the credibility and impartiality of Election Commission and which is threatening the very survival of India as secular country. Many worrying trends are particularly being witnessed in the run up to U.P Assembly Elections.
None other than CM of U.P described the Elections as a battle between 80% and 20%.The Union Home Minister warned the people of repetition of Muzaffarnagar communal riots if BJP is not voted to power which is a desperate attempt to get disenchanted Jats back into BJP's fold. Even the PM is often heard quoting the destructive role played by Mughal rulers in general and Aurangzeb in particular to polarize voters on communal lines. There is vigorous electoral campaign claiming credit for paving the way for construction of Ram Temple in Ayodhya without adequate mention of what was done and what is going to be done to improve living standards of common man.
Not long ago Tanishq, a jewellery outlet was forced to ultimately withdraw its advertisement that promotes communal harmony after being threatened by fanatics. Recently, the Municipal Corporation authorities of Ahmedabad were admonished by Gujarat High Court for banning sale of non-veg food by street vendors and posed a serious question "Will you also decide what we should eat?". It is a matter of concern that PM attended an event in Muchintal near Hyderabad organised by a religious leader who denigrated non-vegetarians with his derogatory remarks which not only undermine constitutional spirit but also divide people on the basis of their food habits.
People shouldn't fail to understand the larger picture of hidden agenda emerging out of the nexus between selfish politicians and self-styled religious leaders. It seeks to divide people basing on their religious beliefs, dietary habits, linguistic credentials, regional identities, cultural practices through promotion of insular small-mindedness in order to grab/retain power by being unmindful of its catastrophic consequences such as the recent murder attempt on Owaisi. Many foreign political analysts are warning that the ongoing organised campaign intended to radicalize younger generations may lead to genocide of minorities in India.
Obviously, the problem will not be resolved by providing Z category security to Owaisi alone. Let us be aware of the fact that minorities are also proud Indians and true patriots who are second to none in contributing to the overall development of the Nation. The ruling dispensation needs to demonstrate strong political will by pursuing right political discourse and by initiating effective measures to make millions of minorities to lead a secure life with dignity, respect and honour. It is the only way forward to build a peaceful, prosperous and strong India.
Narne Raveendra Babu, Hyderabad