Hyderabad City police boss all praise for patrolling staff

Update: 2019-12-13 02:21 IST

Nampally: City Commissioner of Police Anjani Kumar interacted with 250 patrol car officers of the South Zone on Thursday. He also inspected 34 patrol car vehicles of the zone at Nizam College Grounds in Nampally on Thursday.

Anjani Kumar appreciated the 53 officers for their performance in solving cases like tracing missing girls, tracing cell phones, apprehension of accused, catching hold red handed, usage of IT initiatives and relation with communities.


Addressing the meeting, Anjani Kumar congratulated all patrol car officers who were making Hyderabad city safe and secure city and emphasised the importance of community policing and use of modern technology in day-to-day patrolling. He said that, "A patrol car is akin to a mobile police station and the brand ambassador of Hyderabad City police is a patrol car officer. Performance of the city police depends on performance of the patrol officers."

The Commissioner of Police of Hyderabad stressed on the points like zero tolerance of drinking alcohol in public places, zero tolerance in crime against women, safety and security of women in Hyderabad city, interaction with community, community support and student support in performing duties, request citizen to use dial 100 and Hawkeye App, minimum visit of community to police station and usage of IT initiatives by patrol car officers.

An average response time for 'Dial 100' for patrol car vehicles is around 8 minutes, and all patrol cars of east zone of Hyderabad city on an average cover a distance of 1760 km a day. If Blue Colt vehicles are covered, the total distance covered would touch 3,512 km a day in the city, Anjani Kumar added.



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