Private teachers still getting half pay

Update: 2022-05-12 00:39 IST

Hyderabad: Private school teachers are still getting half salaries, with only a month is left for the new academic year to begin. In the last academic year many private school students had taken admission in government schools. Due to this, teachers were given the burden of fulfilling admission targets.

According to private teachers, around 60 percent of them are getting only half salaries. This has forced many to opt for other jobs. They say many private school managements have given them admission targets; if they are not fulfilled, they will not be given salaries. Teachers allege that even during summer vacation they are forced to move in hot sun for achieving the admission target. Due to this pressure many have been forced to leave jobs.


On condition of anonymity, a private school teacher said: "during the pandemic we used to get half salary; that was understandable; but now everything is normal; still our salaries are not restored. The managements say as many students have not cleared fee dues our salaries have not been restored. If there is improvement in admissions in next academic year the salaries will be increased.

"Being the bread-earner of my family, I am facing hardship. Another burden is admission targets; the managements are threatening us that May salaries will be not given if we cannot secure admissions."

Anil (name changed), a private school teacher, said "slowly everything is on track, but private teachers are still struggling. Salaries are not yet restored; schools are laying down conditions that we should be able to achieve the admission target (every week at least two-three admissions we should get). We are also forced to work on weekends. We are not marketing agents; every morning we are supposed to visit various colonies; in afternoon we are made to call parents for admissions. Daily we are working from 8 am to 6 pm." "Private schools have always broken norms of the State government that only class 10 teachers should come to schools. But they are forcing all teachers to come to regularly for securing admissions."

Shabbir Ali, president, Telangana Private Teachers' Forum (TPTF), said," many teachers are forced to do odd jobs due to half salaries. If teachers are unable to fulfil the admission targets their jobs will not be continued in the next academic year. A teacher's job is to educate children; not getting admissions. It will be better if the Education department takes action against such private schools which are forcing teachers to secure admissions.



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