Nuzvid to be merged with Eluru district
Nuzvid to be merged with Eluru district
Vijayawada: Nuzvid constituency, which is part of Kishna district for many decades, will be merged with the proposed new Eluru district. The State government issued notification to increase the number of districts from 13 to 26 in the State. As per the new proposal, each Parliament constituency will be made a district. Nuzivid, which has a long association with Krishna district, will not be in Krishna district any more.
Nuzvid and Kaikaluru Assembly segments, which are located in Krishna district, are already under the limits of Eluru Lok Sabha constituency. Consequently, the two Assembly constituencies will be merged with Eluru district. People of Nuzvid depend on Vijayawada for shopping purposes or watching movies and other recreational activities.
K Rajendra Prasad, teacher working in Nuzvid, said he was disappointed with the decision taken by the government to merge Nuzvid Assembly segment in Eluru district. He said earlier people of Nuzvid made agitation demanding the government not to merge Nuzvid with Eluru district. But, all of a sudden, the government issued notification with the list of new districts with changes. Rajendra Prasad said the government has to explain the service rules of the government employees to avoid confusion among teachers and others on seniority.
Advocate N Murali Krishna said people will gradually get habituated to visit Eluru for administrative purposes. He said Eluru is near to Nuzvid compared to Vijayawada and road connectivity is also available. He said the existing district headquarters of Machilipatnam is located about 70 km from Nuzvid while Elur is just less than 35 km from Nuzvid.
The importance of Nuzvid will disappear as it will not be a revenue division any more if it is merged with Eluru district. Nuzvid and Agiripalli will be the last mandals of Eluru district and it may affect development, felt some other denizens of Nuzvid. So far, Nuzvid is the revenue division with thousands of government employees and others visiting the town for various purposes. If it merged with Eluru district, its prominence will end and it will be just an assembly constituency and town.