Waltair Division to use WAP-4 model locos for freight operations
Modified WAP-4-Model locos at Electric Loco Shed in Visakhapatnam
Visakhapatnam: In a step to make optimum utilisation of resources and enhance the freight operation, the Electric Loco Shed (ELS), Visakhapatnam, has paired two WAP-4 model electric locos by tweaking them.
ELS has been implementing innovative concepts and application of advanced technologies for maximising the benefits with available resources. As part of its innovative initiatives, two WAP-4-Model locos were modified within a period of 10 days.
Earlier, these locos were operated for passenger trains. However, due to coronavirus pandemic, their utilisation saw a decline. Making key modifications, the WAP-4-Model locos are now made available for freight services. In future, these locos can be used for both freight and passenger services.
To increase the productivity for operation of goods trains and enhance the reliability of WAP-4 electric locos in freight transportation, the electric loco shed staff completed the modification process of locos such as cabling and fabrication works by attaching couplers to both leading and trailing engines through a series of multi-unit cables in order to synchronise these engines electrically and mechanically.