Seminar on inorganic food held at Siddhartha Mahila Kalasala

Vijayawada: The microbiology department of Siddhartha Mahila Kalasala (SMK) organised a seminar on ‘Effect of Inorganic Food on Hormones’ on the college premises on Wednesday.
Bhoomi Organics head M Raghuram was the chief guest of the seminar.
Speaking on the occasion, he said that the difference in menstrual cycle, PCOD and diabetes arise because of the food we take, and that can be balanced by following natural food habits.
He said that old ethnic way of food habits was always better which has more nutrient values and good for health and said that these food has more fibre and less loss of nutrients.
He said that the present food habits do not have proper nutrient values which lead to diseases.
He said that the food we take was cultivated by using pesticides and chemical fertilisers which is retained in the food we take which is harmful.
He said that even the soil used for cultivation is also contaminated due to excess usage of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, he added.
He said with organic method of cultivating we get more nutrient values which is good for health.
College principal Dr M Nalini said that fruits and vegetables produced in organic method were good for health.
Department head N Saritha, faculty members V Jayalakshmi, MB Sridevi, V Susmitha and others were present.