Studies say that Women doesn’t need a man to get Orgasm ..Interestingly this Article shows how they Orgasm 55 times in a Month without having SEX with a Man

Update: 2018-05-28 20:34 IST

 Women and Big O

According to a new study, when the behaviour of women was taken some woman could get the Big O 55 times, what was very interesting in this was they did not have intercourse with a man. Yes! What you read is right.. then how could this have happened? This is the question that triggers in ones brain. Ur guess is right these woman had sex with their female partner, and here we go with few more insights.


What does the study say ?

There are around 3000 women categorised into two different categories. One whose primary partner is a man and the others whose primary is a woman. The researchers asked them questions like how frequently they had sex? And they climaxed?  And what type of sexual activities they preferred or engaged in a week? 

The disclosure 

The shocking disclosure the researchers got was that the lesbians had sex for about 10 times a month and heterosexual couples for about 15 times a month. Women with female partners were more likely to orgasm three times more than those of Male partners. 

The BIG O statistics 

The Big O statistics as per the researchers 96 percent of women confessed that their male partners climax always and get the orgasm. Whereas only 73% of men predicted the same for their partners.


But why lesbian woman orgasm more? Why not when women have sex with men orgasm like when they do with women partner? What could be the reason? As intercourse between heterosexual partners usually focuses on penetrative sex which does not majorly focus on or help women to orgasm. In sex Male orgasm is considered to be the grand finale of sex. And a women’s BIG O is never a priority after that.

Let’s get more clear 

In lesbian sex it’s all about clitorial stimulation. And here they are promoting varied sexual behaviours. They use more of sexy toys. Clit play, and other moves. 

So, Ladies cheer up! 

Now no need to be deprived of your share of pleasure. You can climax as many times as 55 times in bed. It’s time to be self centred not self fish.



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