A cultural meet-up at Phoenix Arena

Update: 2019-01-11 05:30 IST

LICH- Literary, Intellectual and Cultural Hub is organising its 9th edition of the ‘Chillit,’ an exclusive literary and cultural club event on January 20 at Phoenix Arena from 10am. LICH was started 9-years ago on January 1, 2010 to provide a space to bring together like-minded people interested in literature, culture, experience sharing, learning, having rational, reasonable open interactions and discussions, and doing fun activities together. 

Through the years that passed, LICH filled a void in daily lives of people and built a close-knit community of like-minded individuals who shared, experienced and grew along with the many memorable moments spent together. In order to bring back culture and provide such a platform, space and support system for young future citizens of the world, to get together, interact, explore, learn, collaborate, co-create and grow together while having fun, LICH presenting its 9th edition in the city titled ‘Chillit’.

What: Cultural meetup  
Where: Phoenix Arena
When: January 20
Time: 10am onwards


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