Overflowing drainage, garbage worry denizens

Update: 2019-05-13 22:14 IST

Kowkoor: People of this area are facing problems because of overflow of drainage and trash littered all over the area. There is no proper drainage system due to which drainage water is spreading all over the main road.

People staying nearby say the smell is unbearable and add to it is proliferation of pigs in the area. They worry that unhygienic surroundings will cause health problems in the locality.


They complain that they have been facing the problem of drainage overflow for many years. "We clean it up if it is overflowing as the drain is clogging, which is causing water to spread all over the road."

Making matters worse is attitude of people who throw garbage carelessly. Heaps of waste are lying everywhere and the area stinks of it most of the time.

Animals like cows and goats are eating the plastic from the trash and, as such, are dying a painful and slow death. Complaints have been made to GHMC many times regarding the overflow of drainage and also about trash, but there has been no specific action. 



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