Sircilla: Polytech college alumni go down memory lane as they meet today

Update: 2022-03-13 01:00 IST

Sircilla Government Polytechnic College

Sircilla Government Polytechnic College
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Sircilla: The students of Sircilla Government Polytechnic College are mentors to many professional working in the public and private sectors at the highest level. About 200 of alumni are serving at the highest level as Chief Engineer and Superintending Engineers in various departments.

A meeting of 1979-82 batch alumni who studied civil, electronic and CCP at the polytechnic college going to be held in Sircilla on Sunday.

The alumni will tell the experiences at Sircilla College in their own words.

Before their meeting, some old students of the polytechnic college shared their experiences at the college as well as their professional life with the Hans India.

Hard work learned in SRR polytechnic college

I am the LCE 1st batch (1979 to 1982) student of SRRS Govt Polytechnic College, Sircilla. Being the 1st batch, the classes were run in temporary sheds on the campus of Govt Junior College Sircilla. Soon after completion of SSC from AP Residential School Sarvail I opted to study LCE in SRRS Govt Polytechnic College.

I came from middle class family of remote village Dugnepally of Chennur mandal of old Adilabad district, present Mancherial district.

I am very thankful to the lectures ,principals and my friends of this institute without whose support I might not be in this position. They were supported me during my study in this institute so that I could complete AMIE in 1986.

I was selected in Railways and worked from 1987 to 1989. I was selected to AP Engineering Services conducted by APPSC and joined as Assistant Executive Engineer in 1989 at Karimnagar and elevated to the post of Superintending Engineer in (R&B) Department.

I am proud to say that SRRS Govt Polytechnic College is the institute which impart me the premier technical education for acquiring higher technical education and also become success in my profession and to elevate me to this post.

College provided quality human resources for development

G.Rajeshwar Reddy. Superintending Engineer in (R&B)Department Nizamabad

College provided quality human resources for development. In rural areas, people were employed. The foundation laid here is the reason for Devadula Irrigation Project to grow as Chief Engineer. For 40 years this college has provided quality human resources. It is the college that provided many technically skilled officers now working in Telangana.

SRRSP received the ISO-9001:2015 Quality Certificate

A Sudhakar Reddy Chief Engineer I & CAD Department Warangal

SRRS Polytechnic College was established in the year of 1979 in Sircilla. Since then, thousands of individuals that graduated from this institution occupied esteemed positions in government and private sectors and are leading luxurious lives along with their families, paving path to a brighter future for their younger generations. After 40 years, the alumni of this institution formed an association and decided to host a reunion for the graduates of the years 1979, 80, 81 and 82.

The association also decided to contribute towards the development of this institution by taking up some initiatives. They decided to set up a water plant for the college along with a generator. Rupees 5,000 to be awarded to the top 5 students each year. Rupees 5,000 to be offered to the students in need in each department. Other than the aforementioned initiatives, the association will also be taking up more initiatives as it seem fit. SRR Polytechnic Livelihood for middle class people

Gudla Ravi, president SRRS Alumni Association, Sircilla

Sree Raja Rajeshwara Swamy (SRRS) Government Polytechnic was started in 1979-80 with three courses, Diploma in Civil Engineering (DCE), Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) and Diploma in Commercial Practice (DCP) with total intake of 125 students. Diploma in Textile Technology (DTT) was started in 1996-97 and Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (DME) was started in the Academic Year 2008-09. In DCE and DEEE branches Second Shift with intake of 60 students each was started in the Academic Year 2009-2010. The present intake of the students is 420 (DCE-120, DEEE-120, DME-60, DTT-60 and DCCP-60) students per Academic Year. The Institution received the ISO-9001:2015 Quality Certificate for maintaining the academic quality standards. The institution is making sincere efforts to get four courses, DCE, DEEE, DME and DTT accredited by NBA in this academic year.The institution is having Skill Development Centre (SDC) and Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge (TASK) centre.

Dr.B.Rajagopal principal SRRS Govt.Polytechnic, Sircilla

SRR Polytechnic College has provided a decent life to rural students. By the blessings of lecturers, we acquired knowledge and developed discipline. I completed my diploma in 1984. I joined APSEB in 1990 as Assistant Engineer. Due to dedication in discharging my duties with discipline I got promotions and reach top position in TSNPDCL as Chief Engineer. I learned discipline, knowledge and hard work at the polytechnic which helped me a lot to achieve this position.

Born in village Thangallapalli near the polytechnic in Sircilla.

Team of dedicated lecturers such as Ramaratnam, Chakrapani, Krishna Reddy, Linga Reddy Rahman and Badrinath as HOD encouraged a lot to learn the discipline and knowledge. I always be thankful to my college and lecturers at my polytechnic.

We will provide infrastructure in the Polytechnic College

B.Ashok, Chief Engineer TSNPDCL Nizamabad


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