TS Inter Advanced Supplementary Exams Fee date extended

Update: 2022-07-07 08:54 IST

For representational purpose only

For representational purpose only
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While the last date for applying for Telangana Intermediate Advanced Supplementary Examinations is going to end on 6th July, the Inter Board has extended the deadline by two more days. It has been informed on this occasion that the inter advanced supplementary fees can be paid by the respective junior colleges till July 8 (Friday).

Meanwhile, the Inter Board has decided to conduct the Advanced Supplementary Examinations from August 1 to 10. The board said that it will be conducted from 9 am to 12 pm for inter first year students and from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm for secondary students.

The practical exams will be conducted from July 26 to 30 for students who have failed in practicals. The Inter Board has informed that the hall tickets for these exams will be released soon. Inter supplementary results will be announced by the end of August.


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