International Women's Day 2022 Live Updates: Women Tech Leaders on "gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow"

Live Updates - Page 4
2022-03-08 11:01 GMT

According to a recent survey by the UN, figures indicate 80% of the people displaced by climate change and climate-related disasters are women and girls, while 70% of the 1.3 billion people living in conditions of poverty are women. It is crucial that sustainability and gender equality efforts go hand in hand globally.

Women are an integral part of society and, in various forms, contribute towards the development and well being of society. Whether it's a homemaker who wants to build a better future for her children by saving money today or a businesswoman who wants to improve resource utilisation for a better tomorrow. Women must be recognised as the ties that connect our today and tomorrow in order for sustainable development to be possible.

Pallavi Singh, Vice President, Super Plastronics Pvt. Ltd

2022-03-08 10:59 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: It is not easy to don two hats at the same time, but it is a task often required of women: a full-time mother and a full-time entrepreneur. Both the responsibilities often overlap and take the time and effort to keep everything going smoothly. Working moms, especially new moms put forth a tremendous lot of effort, attention, and time to their jobs and subsequently to their families.

Taking care of oneself and leaning on one’s life partner can be critical.

Priorities change, deadlines can get missed, and one can crave rest while thinking about the 1000 things that need to be done. But satisfaction kicks in when you see your baby smiling peacefully as they sleep and when the work to-do list is tackled. As any working mother will know, recognition and appreciation can be the fuel that drives us. Being part of a team where everyone is empathetic and works in tandem is what drives success

There are a lot of women who are capable of multitasking and excelling, all we seek sometimes is a bit of encouragement to keep going and keep rising. But that is how Queens get things done, right!?

Deepika Bora- Co-Founder at BRIDGENTECH CONSULTING

2022-03-08 10:58 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: There is no question that a great deal of progress has been made toward gender equality, and this progress is particularly evident in the workplace. There also is no question that the goal of full gender equality has not yet been achieved. One of the most visible negative results of these ingrained gender roles is the deep segregation of professions. I believe no profession should be given a designated gender, it hampers the chance of knowing what the other person brings in. Our beliefs about ourselves are important in shaping all kinds of important decisions, such as what colleges we apply to, which career paths we choose, and whether we are willing to contribute ideas in the workplace.

A common stereotype is that women are not aggressive enough for leadership positions. They are viewed as caretakers, whereas men are viewed as assertive. When women display assertive, or aggressive behaviour within organizations they are then viewed as unstable, and therefore unable to handle stress or manage groups. This is particularly prevalent in male-dominated organizations, especially those that have few to no female leaders, or even female employees. Women still have to prove their loyalty every day," because loyal to work is mostly seen as disloyalty to family.

Vidhi Wadhwa, Founder, Bail Naturals

2022-03-08 10:56 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: “In today’s era, we need to focus on giving equal respect to everyone. Inclusiveness is the key to achieve Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. Thanks to the UN for selecting this as the theme. Nevertheless, in an organisation our aim should be to deploy women in every level and provide support that will help them attain their goals. We need to value every gender, there are many schemes adapted by the Government but the rightful usage and implementation needs to be done. I hope in the global index among the 156 countries, we improve our position. And we need to empower women who are from the underprivileged part of our society. Be the voice for the voiceless!

Rimo Bose, PR Head, TCL India

2022-03-08 10:52 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: "We, women, are known as the creators and hence have a sense of belongingness and emotional attachment. No, that does not make us weak but helps us make sustainable decisions and initiatives to protect, preserve and maintain.

Even after being the victims of discrimination over time, we have made it here. Can you picture us? If we were given a chance to stand with equality. We thrive for a future where stereotypes, stigma, and violence are long gone. We deserve a sustainable and peaceful place to live in, with equal rights and opportunities for all. To get there, It's time women are included in every situation where decisions are made."

Harleen Kaur, Fashion Content Creator on Trell

2022-03-08 10:51 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: "As the United Nations recognises the contribution of women and girls in leading the way into building a sustainable future for us all, we at PLAY applaud and cheer women taking a step towards ownership of the larger mission. We are a gender-neutral meritocracy ecosystem where we believe in rewarding intent, vision and hard work. We believe in harnessing the creativity and energy of every woman associated with us. As we celebrate women's day today with the #SheIsMyHero campaign, we thank every woman for being a rock for every family, every company and every team."

Krutika Lal, Senior Marketing Manager, World of Play

2022-03-08 10:49 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: ''It is well-known that women experience and perceive events differently. I think it is very important to understand the importance of gender equality in the quest towards a sustainable tomorrow because unless women are truly integrated into society without bias, there cannot be an effective collective effort to ensure a sustainable future. Women are the harbingers of life, educators, successful decision makers and prominent stakeholders with the ability to offer intelligent solutions to complex issues. I believe that it is not possible to create a greener future without incorporating their intelligence across sectors.''

Radhika Kalia, Managing Director, RLG Systems India Private Limited

2022-03-08 10:48 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: The benefits and advantages of a gender-balanced workplace are by now well known. As leaders and change initiators, we need to take responsibility for solving the gender imbalance in the sectors we work in. Many times, men and women bring highly divergent but complementary perspectives and skillsets to the workplace, which greatly help manage many difficult situations in today’s VUCA world. Through consistent and sincere efforts, we should aim to change existing perceptions and make even traditionally male-dominated sectors, more attractive for women to choose voluntarily.

Niranjana Neelakantan, Co-founder & COO of TESSOL

2022-03-08 10:46 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: “Gender equality and the economic empowerment of women has a significant and sustained positive impact on growth and industrial development. When we enhance a women’s access to resources and provide her an ecosystem that encourages her education, skilling, and employability, we are contributing to the GDP of the nation. Supporting women leaders and entrepreneurs through a robust support and mentorship network, greater access to venture capital, provision of digital technologies can give women the opportunity to create innovative products, services, and business models.”

Shweta Kataria, Co-Founder, and Chief Product & Marketing Officer, GENLEAP

2022-03-08 10:45 GMT

 International Women's Day 2022: "Without gender equality, an equitable and sustainable future will remain an illusion. Gender equality is an essential pre-requisite for all our efforts to create a sustainable and equitable future. Many studies have clearly established that gender equality propels economic growth and unshackles development. Any limiting therefore on the participation of women in leadership and key decision-making processes is bound to be counter-productive. Women are a grossly underused resource in labour participation and we know that their full economic participation diversifies economies, reduces income equality and fuels economic growth and stability."

Deepshikha Kumar, Founder, and CEO, SpeakIn



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