Hyderabad: Lecturers fleecing students in the guise of aid

Update: 2021-02-15 00:55 IST

Lecturers fleecing students in the guise of aid 

Hyderabad: As a desperate measure to survive the Lockdown blues, some lecturers have adopted novel methods of earning from students. Citing limited time for submitting practical records, particularly for Intermediate they are now offering outside assistance to students for completion of records at a price.

Non-payment for months and salary cuts imposed on lecturers have turned some of them to innovate. While the private school managements have been pressurising parents to pay entire fees for the last academic year, citing salaries for teaching staff, some lecturers have turned themselves into service providers. They are advising intermediate students to rope in academic writing assistants for a price. This practice was limited so far for PhDs.


Speaking to The Hans India, V Sabitha, a final year student of a corporate college, complained "We couldn't have access to practical classes owing to pandemic. Now that the colleges have reopened the situation persists due to low attendance. Our concerned lecturers said that outsiders will provide aid in writing academic records in exchange we have to pay above Rs 1000 for each record. I refrained to pay."

Adding, another student said, "We facsimile the manual provided by the lecturer and it has been difficult to understand without any practical classes."

With educational institutions opening this month, Intermediate students seeking qualification have to submit the record work for practical exams for the Academic year 2020-21. But before the management could announce dates, the students are being pressed for submitting records for physics and chemistry.

Students grumbled that the lecturers were in a tearing hurry to complete the records as merely one month has been left and meanwhile, the lecturers handed over manuals to students to complete the records without providing any practical knowledge.

It may be mentioned here that staff of private junior colleges have been protesting over pending salaries and salary cuts. Besides, Telangana Lecturers Joint Action Committee (TLJAC) also staged protests earlier claiming that corporate colleges violated GO 45.

Meanwhile, when asked parents about the same, they pointed out that these lecturers collect that money for their own benefit. A parent said that lecturers were aware that students were in dire straits and have less options available, so the students may proceed with such an option.



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