INCOIS foundation day fete tomorrow
INCOIS foundation day fete tomorrow
Nizampet: Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Ministry of Earth Sciences, will commemorate its 23rd foundation day on Wednesday. Since its establishment on February 3, 1999, this vibrant organisation has grown as one of the leading institutions worldover in the field of operational oceanography.It is also pursuing a focused mandate on ocean observations, modelling, information and advisory services.
The services provided by INCOIS, such as the tsunami and storm surge early warnings, ocean state forecasts, potential fishing zone advisories and ocean data services have immense socio-economic benefits for a wide range of stakeholders,and enhance the lives and livelihoods of coastal communities.
The Tsunami early warning centre of INCOIS is identified as a Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) for the Indian ocean region, and its International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean) is recognized as a Category-2 Centre (C2C) of UNESCO for training young researchers and professionals from all over the world in different branches of oceanography.
The foundation day celebrations of INCOIS will comprise a prestigious lecture by Dr Vladimir Ryabinin, executive secretary, intergovernmental oceanographic commission of UNESCO and assistant director-general of UNESCO, on 'United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (Ocean Decade).'
The Ocean Decade will strengthen the international cooperation needed to develop the scientific research and innovative technologies that can connect ocean science with the needs of society.